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Writing Your Personal Annual Review: The Vivid Crossroad of Recollection and Intention.

Where the Annual Personal Forecast meets the Annual Review we find a vivid crossroads of recollection and intention. These two activities are kindred and symbiotic bedfellows that drive each other onwards.

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Trigg Point #3: The Reflection Section

Thinking backwards couldn’t be easier. 

 Yet we seem to do it less and less. What is at stake by constantly burrowing distractedly forward, endlessly loading another page to read?
 At Trigg we believe your long term happiness and immediate progress is at risk by not reflecting. As such one of the key tenets of our annual Life Mapper are 52 provocative requests to consider what has immediately just occurred and then provide space to write down our observations. Every weekend we’ll ask you one simple yet demanding question to trigger a reflection. Maybe all this sounds too simple. But we live in an age, surrounded by behaviour, culture and technology that insists we never turn around to study our...

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